Auction Closed
The Friends of the Museum and Gallery give a heartfelt thank you to everyone who made the 25th Annual Friends Festival Auction a huge success!
Thank you to all of our donors for contributing so many wonderful items, to our volunteers who help us in so many ways and all of you who bid online and in person. Your contributing support over the years is deeply appreciated.
Winning bidders will be contacted shortly and your items can be picked up at the Gallery on Friday December 6 from 1-5 p.m. and Saturday December 7 from 10-noon and 1-5 p.m. As of December 10th items can be picked up at the Museum, 602 Main Street.
From our museum and gallery family to yours, have a safe and happy holiday season!
The Stroeder Family
Current Bid Amount: CAD 300
Current Bidder Name: Tom S
Place your bidConexus Credit Union
Current Bid Amount: CAD 52
Current Bidder Name: Randa S
Place your bidGolden Eden Produce
Current Bid Amount: CAD 60
Current Bidder Name: Cecile B
Place your bidTim Hortons
Current Bid Amount: CAD 40
Current Bidder Name: Brenda G
Place your bidSerenity Gems by Val
Current Bid Amount: CAD 75
Current Bidder Name: Carol M
Place your bidThe Residents of the Elizabeth
Current Bid Amount: CAD 35
Current Bidder Name: Cindy B
Place your bidMisty Gardens #2
Current Bid Amount: CAD 55
Current Bidder Name: Steve S
Place your bidVolunteer Baker #5
Current Bid Amount: CAD 30
Current Bidder Name: Gerry F
Place your bidBehiel Tax & Accounting
Current Bid Amount: CAD 40
Current Bidder Name: Margaret F
Place your bidCameraworx
Current Bid Amount: CAD 20
Current Bidder Name: Ron S
Place your bidBrenda and Kim Duerr
Current Bid Amount: CAD 57
Current Bidder Name: Dennis S
Place your bidA Fruity Friend
Current Bid Amount: CAD 25
Current Bidder Name: Ptoley S
Place your bidA Decadent Friend
Current Bid Amount: CAD 45
Current Bidder Name: Kim F
Place your bidA Serene Friend
Current Bid Amount: CAD 25
Current Bidder Name: Leah S
Place your bidJoann Biehl #3
Current Bid Amount: CAD 20
Current Bidder Name: Cindy B
Place your bidJoann Biehl #2
Current Bid Amount: CAD 22
Current Bidder Name: Linda K
Place your bidJoann Biehl #1
Current Bid Amount: CAD 20
Current Bidder Name: Shirley U
Place your bidWong’s Restaurant
Current Bid Amount: CAD 20
Current Bidder Name: C Corman
Place your bidA-Line Furniture and Appliances
Current Bid Amount: CAD 65
Current Bidder Name: Brad L
Place your bidSt. Augustine School Staff
Current Bid Amount: CAD 30
Current Bidder Name: Wanda F
Place your bidPetro Canada-Millsap Fuel Distributors Ltd.
Current Bid Amount: CAD 45
Current Bidder Name: Ivan M
Place your bid